
Tuesday 4 February 2014

Sorgenfresser Worry Eaters

Have you seen these Worry Eaters advertised lately? As the winner of the Editors Choice awards at The London Toy Fair and winners of a series of awards around Europe and the UK these toys shouldn't be left on the shelf!  

Sorgenfresser is a German man who came up with this fantastic idea after having his own personal worries about his business.  The idea is for children to write down any worries they may have and put them into the zippable Worry Eater's mouth.  Once the zip is closed the worry will hopefully be put to rest. The Sorgenfresser's motto is 'We eat your worries', and sometimes with just a little bit of help, this is exactly what they do.

As a parent we do not always know what our children are thinking and by checking the Worry eater periodically you may find a worry that you can discuss with your child and hopefully resolve any problems.  

According to a survey carried out by Coiledspring Games a third of parents believe that children today are under so much pressure they worry more than they did.  Personally I think this is true and am constantly worried about my daughter and the worries and pressures she maybe under so I have invested in Polli the Worry Eater in hope that my kids can symbollically zip away their fears.

To read more check out this article by The Mail Online.


1 comment:

  1. Absolutely love these toys! Such a fantastic innovative idea for kids. I bought one for my kids here and I think it was free postage at the time.
