
Wednesday 5 February 2014

5 Things You Didn't Reallised Before Having Children

I often think to myself why didn't someone tell me about these things before I had children?  So I'm just going to get right down to the nitty gritty, here goes:

1. You are no longer able to jump on a trampoline or blow up a balloon.  The mere suggestion leaves you with sweaty palms.  Unless you were very, very good at carrying out your pelvic floor exercises whilst pregnant you will know that you are not as strong downstairs as you used to be (if you know what I mean).

2. You don't only have to worry about your own bottom's cleanliness but of another human's too!  As a first timer I remember actually asking a friend how I should go about making sure my potty trained child's bum was cleaned satisfactorily!  The answer I got was "tell your child to touch their toes"!  This works by the way! 

3. It takes forever to get in & out of the car!  In fact it can take so long some days that you may as well walk! Getting your children to just sit in the actual car seat poses your 1st challenge whether they be babies or bigger kids,  followed by your 2nd challenge,  getting the seat belt fastened.   On the occasion when I am getting into the car alone I actually cherish the speed in which I can do so...ahh bliss!

4. You can never be ill again. As a mum it doesn't seem to matter how bad you feel you have to carry on with your everyday routine when really all you want to do is curl up into a ball with the lights off!  You will still be required to entertain, clean feed and wash (and that's just your Husband)! Seriously there is never a day off when you are a parent.

5. You get wet (a lot)! I have never been caught in the rain as much as I have since my daughter started school! It appears that at the exact same time every day between 8.30am and 9.00am and between 2.45pm and 3.15pm (the school run) the heavens open and us parents get soaked.  Be prepared for this, as when your children are still babies the wettest you'll get is travelling between the front door and the car.  You do not realise that when standing around waiting for the school bell that the rain will come and you will end up looking like a drowned rat.  Also be prepared for the rain to stop the minute you are safe and dry!

I hope this has thrown up a few insightful ideas of what to expect now that you have children - be warned! Ha!



  1. Oh my you are so right! Especially number four and five, I always say to the hubby that I always manage to get caught in the rain at school run time. Great post. #MMWBH

  2. You are right! They don't' tell you all of this, though, do they?!

    1. These are things I often think to myself and have finally written them down! x

  3. All so true! The rain thing happens to be worse if you are stuck in a school playground constructed in the 1970s. They appear to have no drainage whatsoever, especially at the exact point where us parents need to stand to wait! I've ruined so many shoes...

    1. Such a nightmare! The newly laid tarmac at our school turns into a swimming pool too!

  4. haha the rain definitely has it in for us parents!

  5. #3 so true! Sometimes I think getting ready and getting into the car takes more time then the actual outing itself.

    1. It really is so nice getting in and out of the car alone now! x

  6. Love this and so true! I'm hating our car at the moment - it's the same two-door Clio we had pre-baby so getting the ever-growing Little Miss in and out is becoming a real challenge. I have car envy of anyone with four doors!

    1. Oh no, we had a three door car up to 18 months ago - now we have a five door and it really does make a difference..xx

  7. Oh I was sooo bad at doing pelvic floor exercises!!!

    1. Me too, I was like..yeah it will all be fine! :-) x

  8. Rain is our nemesis for sure! I swear it waits for me to just step out that door before its starts. Drives me mad, lol! Thanks for linking up to the #MMWBH xx

    1. Thanks Debs! Thanks again for hosting #MMWBH x

  9. Oh, this made me smile, all so true! Especially getting wet :) Popping over from Share With Me x

  10. Tee hee - agree with all of these. Especially the rain - I'm sure it has rained more in the 4 years since I've had my son #ShareWithMe

  11. First off I absolutely LOVE LOVE your picture of the three of your feet. That is so cute. I am on a photography journey and creative shots like these just melt my heart. Love it. Love your post too, I think we can all relate. I think if they forewarned us we wouldn't understand fully until we got there. I love this especially trying to go anywhere in the car fast! never happens. Thank you so much for linking up I enjoyed reading your post and getting to know more about you and your lovely blog. I hope to see you again soon.

    1. Sorry to disappoint you Jenny but they're not our feet :-( although I do love this photo too! Thank you for hosting I'm glad you stopped by! :-) x

  12. This post made me chuckle more so because it is so true!! #sharewithme
