
Wednesday 8 January 2014

Mummy Bloggers - How Do You Do It?

Seriously...if you are a Mummy Blogger or even a Daddy Blogger for that matter, please tell me how you manage it!

Obviously I am in the 'Mummy Blogger' category myself but sometimes I find it really hard to find the time.  I know I am new to blogging and I am really trying to get my blog out there using platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram but I'm finding it a real challenge to keeping up with the rest of you!

Take Twitter for instance, I try to post any new additions on my Blog to Twitter once a day but some bloggers are posting every hour - where do you find the time? What with taking care of the kids, doing the house work, going to my actual work, socialising, keeping fit, actually having a conversation with my Husband and just sitting down for an hour a day (if I'm lucky) I really don't understand how these great Parent Bloggers manage to put so much energy into promoting their blogs (and actually make them good)?

Most of the Parent Bloggers I follow are actually posting new material at least once a day and some 'Super Bloggers' are even posting twice a day - you are truly amazing and I take my hat off to you!  

Now if I only I knew your secret I may be able to match your amazing commitment! Go Mummy Parent Bloggers Go! 


P.S. You can find me on Instagram now too!


  1. A good way to promote your blog I have found is commenting on other blogs....I always have a nosy at the people who comment on my blog....hehehe
    Both my girls are at school full time so when the housework is done so I'm free until the school run so I have a good few hours to be busy on Twitter and Facebook :) x

    1. Thanks Kim, I think I will have a nosey too! x

  2. You can schedule your tweets on hootsuite so you don't have to actually tweet them yourself numerous times a day. I struggle though with a sick 9 month old, trying to set up a business and promote my blog, it is very hard xx

    1. Thank you for this I am going to check out hootsuite now! I hope your baby feels better soon! x

  3. I find it quite hard to! Even though i am a stay-at-home mum at the moment, i still find it hard to blog. Only times i get a chance to really is when my eldest who is in school (part time) and when my youngest is having her nap, as she is now! And the other time is in the evenings. But time goes so fast as we dont have tea until 8-9pm! And then im shattered in the morning.


    1. Hi Beth, Thank goodness I'm not the only one! Lol!

  4. I feel I spend a huge chunk of my free time (evenings) blogging, either writing posts or reading and commenting and I don't do half as much as some people. It really could be a full time job!

    1. Yeah you are absolutely right it could be a full time job... :-)

  5. I also struggle to find the time so you are not alone! And I wonder how some find the time too, but maybe it gets easier as your blog becomes more established and you get a blogging rhythm going, or maybe some bloggers have older kids who need less looking after (I have a velcro baby! Always with me!)

    1. Sooo glad I'm not the only one..some bloggers are obviously much better at this then me! Both my girls were velcro babies too so know the feeling ha!

  6. Hi. I think what Kim said is true, commenting on other blogs is a great way to get yourself out there. I'm also in the same boat as Kim in that my children are both at school. I think it's just a case of carving out a little time and spending it how you see fit, whether that be blogging or blog surfing and commenting. Keep going, you'll get there eventually. #MMWBH

    Morgan x

    1. Thanks Morgan - I must admit although I do subscribe to many, many Blogs I probably don't comment enough..thanks again for stopping by!

  7. When it comes to Twitter you'll find me on my phone while breastfeeding lol. In terms of the other stuff it sends to be while they're asleep (like now for instance!)
    Definitely get yourself involved with reading and commenting on other blogs :)

    1. Yes getting some phone action while breastfeeding is a real lfe saver but I'm past that stage now - wish I had my blog back then! ;-) Thank you for coming over to my blog! x

  8. I'm the same it's really a full time job to stay on top of all the blogs. I'm making a big effort to do it these days, but it does take up a lot of time.

    1. It really does take up so much time - I've been on Blogger all evening tonight! Thank you for popping over..x

  9. At the moment, my blogging time is while Max naps in the day - but finding time is HARD. Doing it when all 3 children are home just doesn't happen, so I try to schedule as much as I can when I get the chance. Linkys are a great way to get things going.

    1. Thank you for the Linky advice - I try to link up to #MMWBH and Britmums but I'll try to hook up to a few more! x

  10. Reading and commenting is definitely the best thing to do, join a few linkys and make the effort to comment on as many as you can. Like Kim, I always check out people, who have commented a couple of times to see who they are :) (like you for instance!) I'm still trying to sort out how I fit it in, and my blog has just turned one! I grab any free moment, and stay up far too late in the evenings :) As for twitter promotion, I'm pretty rubbish on twitter, but scheduling tweets (hootsuite for example) is a life saver! #MMWBH

    1. Thank you for coming by to my blog! It's funny how you remember my name - I love your Blog by the way! I'm definitely going to check out hootsuite now..x

  11. I read other blogs, comment, join in with & run linkys and so on. I spend evenings writing and scheduling posts, and tweet when I'm doing other things! #MMWBH

    1. You sound very devoted just like a 'Super Mummy Blogger'! :-) Thank you for the advice and thank you for popping by! x

  12. Hi Sophie, I agree with you and all the other lovely ladies how time-consuming it is - I find I spend far more time on social media than on actually writing posts, which I think is how it has to be when you first start. Unless you don't care how many people read your stuff. At first, I was like that - then I became a stats and comments-vulture - addictive and slightly depressing! As for finding time, it obviously depends how old your kids are - when they're all at school (only one of mine is) it's probably easier, but I think my husband will then be sending me down a mine. I've started doing so much in the evening I can't sleep and lie there with my eyes twitching, so as of today I'm imposing a 9.30pm absolute cut-off point for Interweb-based activities. Good luck!

    1. Yes I know what you mean about checking the stats! I have some days where I'm not bothered and others when I'm obsessed. I hope your 9.30 curfew is going well! x

  13. I'm definitely with you on this. I love blogging but realising I can't do quite as much as I want to with a little girl who is dropping her naps! I squeeze the writing in when I can but not as active on the social networks as I'd like to be. Ho hum. Nevermind, I'm trying not to worry too much about growing my readers and just focus on the fact I love to write just for me. Maybe one day I'll have more time!

    1. I like to think of my Blog as a diary so one day I will look back on everything I have written! x

  14. My advice (for what it's worth), is set yourself some boundaries. I only post 3 times a week because that is realistic for me. I know I can't blog more regularly than that and so this is a boundary for me. I have yet to work out how to set myself realistic aims for social media but one thing I did discover recently and that is hootsuite. You can spend 15 minutes scheduling tweets and FB updates (for sharing your posts) for the entire week! It's been a lifesaver :) I'm not prepared to spend as long on it as some people but I have managed to make it into the Top 100 on the Tots100 once!

    1. I have looked up hootsuite but do you have to pay? Well done for the top 100! x

  15. The secret is to have tiny fairies that do most of the work for you.
    Or in the absence of fairies, it's a question of priorities, like everything else in life. Some people's blog is their work, some have older kids so more time, some do it all late at night and get less sleep. Also, you can schedule your tweets so they appear automatically, and most people who post every day don't actually WRITE every day. They either post photos some of the days, or pre prepare some of it...
    Good luck!

  16. I blogged about this recently too as I couldn't figure out how people manage it - the answers I got was that people block write and then schedule posts, tweets are often scheduled. One thing that changed a lot for me was signing up to Bloglovin' and getting the app for my phone, this means I can comment on other blogs more easily. I still struggle to find time to write and comment as much as I'd like, but that's because I need my sleep and sometimes I just want to chill with my family, and not write about them ;-)
    Popping over from #MBPW

    1. Yes I have the bloglovin app too it's great! I know exactly what you mean - you need a life too! Ha!
