
Wednesday 15 January 2014

Do You Ever Think About Emigrating?

Do you ever think about emigrating?...I do...a lot!

It would be somewhere where the weather is mostly warm and somewhere where they speak English too.  I have never been very good at foreign languages (excuse my ignorance).  

I like to think maybe Australia or America would be a good place for us.  Although reports that Australia is slightly behind the times when it comes to TV puts me off slightly as I am a self confessed telly addict! This may be too big a deal!  Ok so it's settled, somewhere warm in America it is lol!

I must admit to being a dreamer (maybe it's the Pisces in me?) but it is a rather exciting prospect, the idea of upping sticks and starting a new adventure really appeals to me and always has.

You maybe reading this and asking "Why don't you do it then?"  Well the answer is simple family!

I am incredibly close to my mum, in fact we are best friends and I couldn't bare to be so far away from her.  I am also very close to my Husband's parents and we see each other often.  Both of my children's Grandmothers are very close to my girls and the thought of taking their grandchildren hundreds of miles away is a very hard thought indeed!

So for the time being we will be staying in grey, wet England and soon it will be the summer months and the depressing January and February where I dream of lands afar will be laid to rest..until next winter of course!

Love Sophie...x

You can find me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram & Pinterest - I'd love to see you there!


  1. I wrote a post quite similar to this a while back, and drew the same conclusions - family! They keep me here, and I wouldn't, couldn't be without them, so we'll stick with the rain! #MMWBH

    1. I'd like to read that do you have a link I can follow? x

  2. I thought I would like it until I considered how different life would be. Especially in America because although they speak the same language they are very different. We may have had to do this a few years ago, my post Positive Thinking talks about it. However, sometimes it's nice to dream isn't it? #MMWBH

    Morgan x

    1. Just been over to your blog - what a great post! Yes it is nice to dream! x

  3. I have thought about it, but being close to family I think I would be so home sick. I would love to live in America too

    1. It is obviosuly a huge decision and quite a scary one but one I like to think about none the less! :-) x

  4. I'm too much of a home bird - I would miss my friends and family far too much - although the sun is certainly appealing!

  5. My partner and I always used to daydream about emigrating to Australia, it was where we met and fell in love so it has s magical pull for us(although you may be right about the telly!) But since having children we know we couldn't take them so far away from family, but it's still nice to dream! #MMWBH

  6. Oh man, the idea is nice right! To move away to a better lifestyle, surroundings etc. But for us at least its just a daydream! Maybe one day though! haha! Thanks for linking upo with MMWBH xx
