
Friday 3 January 2014

Christmas Day & We Almost Flooded!

So it was Christmas Eve and in the early hours of Christmas day (2am!) we had a flood warning call from the Environment Agency! My husband was pacing around and taking short trips to the river by our house to check out the situaton at crazy o'clock and we were both slightly panicking by the time the girls woke up at 7am.  We carried on as usual determined to keep Christmas Day the special and magical day it should be! 
Once all the presents were opened instead of just playing and getting ready for Christmas Day we decided to lift our furniture onto breeze blocks (just in case) in order to prevent any damage to our posessions before we went to my parent-in-laws for the day!  

Stressed is not the word to be honest, the river levels had never been so high and the water was literally a couple of feet from reaching the top of the flood barrier at the end of our road! 

The mobile home site on the other side of the river had been evacuated in the middle of the night and I felt so sorry for them it was truly awful, at least we hadn't actually been flooded!

Let's hope this once in a hundred year occurence stays away for another 100 years...


  1. Looks so scary! We are lucky there are no sea/rivers near us to do this damage but a town near me had similair thing yesterday.


    1. Hi Beth, it really has been quite a worry but we are alright and looking forward to a few days of dry weather! x
