
Monday 2 December 2013

OMG..It's December!

I don't know about you but I cannot believe how fast 2013 has gone! In case you didn't realise it is the 2nd of December today - wow! I started the Christmas preparations a little late this year (I'm blaming my new hobby - the Blog) but I am nearly there and feeling a little chuffed with myself!  We are going to the In-Laws for Christmas this year and I am really looking forward to it especially as all the responsibility is being taken on by them and not me (until our turn next year)! 

My children have been asking about the Christmas tree already and although I am a huge fan of Christmas this is one thing I try to put off for as long as possible.  

I'm not sure why I dislike the Christmas tree so much but I just can't stand having it up.  I guess the main reason is that it takes up too much space and just gets in my way.  It does however act as a good storage space for all the presents (not the kid's) I have bought and are currently piled up against the wall in my bedroom. I always aim for around two weekends before the big day and put it up then and try and get it down again before the New Year - I'm such a Scrooge! 

There is also the question of who will decorate the tree - ugh! This is a hard one for me as I am a bit of a control freak and like to have a stylish, neat tree however the girls like to stick on anything they can find!  My three year old likes to hang all of her decorations on one branch and my six year old likes to stick on A4 bits of paper with her drawings.  In the end I let the girls hang their decorations and then secretly move them when they are not looking (I know, there's that Scrooge again)! 

Apart from the dreaded Christmas tree I do like all the other Christmas decorations and have invested in some new ones this year so will look forward to putting them up.  My Husbands job is to put up the outside lights.  There isn't that many just a few icicles to hang up but last year they didn't make an appearance much to the girls dismay, this year I will be cracking the whip!

So here's wishing you all a great December! Please let me know what the Christmas preparations are like in your house - I'd love to hear from you!

Love Sophie..x

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