
Friday 1 November 2013

Turning 30!

This year I turned Thirty Years Old.  For me it was a turning point in my life.  To be honest I dreaded turning 30 as soon as I had had my 29th Birthday.  Of course my 30th Birthday crept closer and closer, I had my foot on the brakes but I couldn't stop it!  Before I knew it my 30th Birthday was upon me.  I tried to make my Birthday celebrations as special as I could but nothing could stop me feeling sad and saying goodbye to my twenties just made me feel old!

I had a great Birthday week in the end and to be honest once it was over I felt no different.  In actual fact I think I am having the best year of my life, being 30 appears to be doing great things for me! For instance I feel so much better now, I am more confident, I am the fittest I have ever been, I have a new sense of understanding and maturity and I have a real passion for life!

I love this article by Not Another Mummy Blog called 5 Things I Love Doing Now I'm in my 30s and its so true, who knew other people had the same feelings as me?!

So now as I draw this post to a close I realise I am nearer 31 then I am 30 and have only a mere 4 months to go!  Hopefully next year will be as great as this one..We'll see... 


  1. Glad you're happy being 30. If it helps, turning 30 was much worse than turning 40, which is what I've just done!

    1. Thanks Cara I'll take a look a your post! :-)

  2. 30's not so bad. I'm mid 30's so in between. I even got asked for ID the other day which chuffed me no end! popping over from Britmums

  3. Wow I always look up in hope I'd get asked for ID but it never happens! Depressing! Lol!

  4. Just popping over from midweek blog hop :) I wasn't too worried about turning 30 and it turned out to be a special year having my first baby x

  5. Hi Lucinda thank you for coming by! I was really against the idea but now I'm loving it..not sure about 31 though! Lol!

  6. I am in my early 30's. It seems to be going well so far.
    Stopping by from "Mad Mid-Week Blog Hop". Following via Bloglovin.
    Have a great day :)
    Bismah @

  7. I turned 30 6 weeks ago and I'm still coming to terms with it! Just stopping by from the "Mid-week Blog Hop"

    1. Thanks for coming over! :) I knowI hated Iit at first but so much happier now! X

  8. MumTurnedMom: Having just turned 40 myself, I agree with Cara - it's even better than 30 :) I enjoyed my thirties, but I'm settling quite nicely into my forties! #MMWBH 

    1. Sorry MumTurnedMom I deleted your comment by mistake so have reposted it above!
