
Tuesday 22 October 2013

What A Difference A Day Makes!

Let me paint you a picture..The sky is grey, the wind is howling and it is pouring with rain, oh yeah and it's 08.30 on a Wednesday which means only one thing...The School Run! Aagghh!  I wish I had time to stop and photograph this moment for you but as I had on the most inappropriate shoes and we all looked like drowned rats its probably best I didn't! You've been there, you know what it's like doing the school run in bad weather and it is not fun!  The rain is creating a slick lake covered pavement, there is twice as much traffic as usual and everyone is stressed.  By the time I had done the school run, dropped off my three year old and got to work I leaned back in my chair with a cup of tea and let out a sigh of relief!

...Switch to today and it is a complete contrast.  It's my day off, the sun is shining and it is actually a warm October day. I have walked into my local town Christchurch to visit the shops, picked up a take-away latte and collected Sasha from nursery.  Bliss! I have a smile on my face and a happy heart as I walk home watching Sasha pull some stunts on her scooter! What a great day!


  1. The sunshine makes everything better! We went to Dorset last Summer and loved Christchurch :) #BlogLoveDay11

  2. Thank you Ladies! I'm glad you liked it in Christchurch Mummy Tries - I must say it is a lovely place to live! :) xxx

  3. I'm jealous you love in Christchurch - gorgeous place!

  4. Thanks Nicola! Hopefully you live somewhere just as nice! :) x
