
Friday 25 October 2013

My Six Year Old Teenager?!

"Ugh what have you bought that for!?" exclaims my six year old daughter Brooke pointing at my three year old's pushchair in the playground the other day. "Because we are walking home today" I reply with a smile...I am then treated to my daughter running off to the other side of the playground shouting "I hate walking!".  So it's going to be one of those I think as I mentally psyche myself up to have the patience of a saint.  

We finally manage to leave the school and my eldest daughter scoots down the road as fast as she can to get away from me and my youngest.  Every time I suggest we cross over the road she refuses and I walk on (counting to ten) with a smile.  We finally cross the road but she will not cross next to me and then we turn a corner literally and metaphorically!  Brooke turns to me and says "Mummy you are the person I love most in this world".  Blimey where did that come from?  "I love you too darling" I say "More than the stars and the moon".  

Ok my patience was starting to wear thin despite my best efforts but I had held it together wearing a serene smile on my face and luckily for me I did as I was then treated to this declaration of love.  Still I am confused by my daughters outbursts and they have been happening rather a lot lately.  Take last Friday for instance..

My daughter's school reward children when they excel and every Friday one or two children from each class are chosen to receive a 'rainbow sticker' handed out by the head teacher.  This is a very proud moment for us parents and we had promised Brooke that when she got one we would treat her to a trip to a pizza restaurant.  So the school bell rang and out came Brooke wearing her rainbow sticker for all to see.  "Well done you are brilliant" I exclaimed! "So can we go tonight then?" was her response. "Um not tonight darling as you have a play date but we WILL go this weekend" I replied.   This was apparently not good she ran shouting over her shoulder about how much she hated me and how this was her worse day ever (we've heard that one before)!  After I had admitted a large sigh we went home and had her best friends over for the pre-arranged play date.  

So you have read about the most recent scenarios (two of many) and I am sure there will be many, many more.  I'm not sure how my daughter has become a teenager at the age of six but after Googling these exact words I find I am not the only one! Phew! I find it is a hard one to deal with but although she may act like a teenager she is not, and I must remember this (my daily mantra).  Being patient and taking the outbursts on the chin is definitely the best route in my case but sometimes this can be hard especially if your not having the best day yourself!  I hope this defiant moody behaviour will pass...although I doubt it...and I am sat here nervously pondering what she will be like when she is actually a teenager!  God help me! 


  1. I to an going through this with my girls who are 6 and 10 so I know just how you feel. I hope that they grow out of it soon or I feel the men with white coats will be coming for me.
    I came over from the #mmwbh

    1. Hi Rachel thanks for popping by! :) Im glad we're together on this one! X

  2. I have all this to look forward 10th month old is already demonstrating some diva like skills haha

    Really enjoyed reading this post!!!

    1. Thank you for reading I'm really happy you liked it! Uh oh my eldest started early too! Just remember you're not alone! ;) x

  3. Apparently it's a standard childhood phase known as the 'stroppy sevens' - I didn't have a clue it existed until a friend who has a 7yo told me about it. This article is really interesting: Good luck :) #MMWBH

    1. Nooooo! Lol! I'll check out that link thank you..x

  4. There's nothing like pushing the boundaries & attempting to assert their authority is there!

    1. It's a hard one isn't it Collette! Little monsters! ;) x

  5. We're going through this, and have been for about 4 years. My daughter is now 10 and is moody and send herself to bed in the day, bangs doors, etc! Dreading the ACTUAL teen years! #MMWBH

    1. I really feel for you Kerrie! I know exactly what it's like! X

  6. I have a soon to be teenager who has been one for years and a daughter who is 7 and has been like that since birth!!! (Not really but has always bee strong willed

    1. My six year old has always been 'strong willed' too! I like to describe her as 'highly strung' as well! Lol! xxx

  7. I can relate! My 8yr old daughter likes to challenge my authority in the home on a daily basis. Of course she has to back down, accept her Princess role and go by what the Queen {i.e. me} asks her to do. She hates it, but we leap over those hurdles. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't dreading her actual teenager years!!

    Thanks for linking up with #MMWBH xx

  8. Hi Debs (The Queen) lol, Thanks for stopping by! xxx

  9. Oh no, if it's any comfort, you are not alone. And yes, mantras do help to keep a calm serene appearance, lol.
