
Friday 4 October 2013

Motivational Workout Tips!

As you may already know I am a big fan of Jillian Michaels, I workout around four times a week and admittedly some weeks I find it hard to spur myself on but by thinking about my goals and what I want to achieve I carry on.

Get motivated with these great words of wisdom from my favourite trainer Jillian Michaels:

Stick With It

Sticking with a new exercise routine is not easy — and anyone who tries to tell you it's simple is full of it. As I've said before, I'm not one of those people who naturally love working out, so getting up and doing my workout every day is an act of will. If you're having trouble staying motivated, jump-start yourself with these tips and then wait for your endorphins to kick in and work their magic.
Take it easy. It takes 21 days to form a new habit. If you push too hard too early, you'll end up losing steam and wanting to quit. Instead, commit yourself to advancing at a steady pace.
Listen to music. Get yourself a music player and put together some cool tunes to inspire you while you work out. Sometimes music makes all the difference.
Enlist a partner in crime. Invite your spouse or a friend, family member, co-worker, or even one of your online fitness buddies to pair up and work out with you. Exercising together will give you both more incentive to do it.
Get real. Remember that sometimes life will get in the way of your workout. Don't give up just because you had to take time off. There's nothing stopping you from getting right back on track
Get some fun fitness DVDs. If working out on your own is getting a little old, pick up some fun DVDs. I have a few you can try including Killer Abs and Kickbox FastFix. My latest DVD, Yoga Inferno, focuses on vigorous yoga sequences that will transform your physique. The DVD workouts are actually very similar to those of my online program. The exercises are a little different, but the methodology is the same. And the bonus is that you get to hear me pushing you through an awesome workout!
Reward yourself. By now you probably know my philosophy on this. I'm big on rewards — both for long-term and for short-term goals — so come up with some appropriate (non-food) rewards and enjoy them each time you achieve a new goal. You rock, so you deserve it!

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